As a homeowner, I know how frustrating it can be to deal with a broken garage door spring. However, after researching and learning the steps to repair broken garage door springs, I feel much more confident in my ability to handle this issue should it arise.

Here are the steps from Garage Door Repair Forney TX that I would follow to repair a broken garage door spring.

First, I would gather all the necessary tools and materials. These include a socket wrench set, a ladder, safety goggles, a clamp, a measuring tape, replacement springs, and safety cables. It’s important to ensure that the replacement springs are the correct size and type for my garage door.

Next, I would disconnect the garage door opener to prevent it from accidentally opening or closing while I am working. To do this, I would locate the emergency release cord and pull it down to disengage the opener from the door.

Then, I would release tension on the broken spring by placing a clamp on the track below the bottom roller to prevent the door from moving. Using a socket wrench, I would loosen the set screws on the spring cone, and then slide the cone towards the center of the shaft to release tension on the spring. I would make sure to keep a firm grip on the cone to prevent it from flying off the shaft.

Once tension has been released, I would remove the broken spring from the shaft. If the spring is broken into multiple pieces, I would make sure to remove all pieces from the shaft.

After that, I would install safety cables on both springs to prevent them from flying off the shaft if they break. I would attach one end of the safety cable to the bracket on the garage door frame and the other end to the spring anchor bracket on the spring itself. I would make sure to tighten the cable securely.

Then, I would install the replacement spring by sliding it onto the shaft and securing it in place with the set screws. Using a socket wrench, I would tighten the screws, being careful not to over-tighten them.

Next, I would wind the spring in the direction specified by the manufacturer using a winding bar. I would make sure to wind the spring to the correct number of turns, as specified by the manufacturer for my specific door.

If both springs are broken, I would repeat the above steps on the other side of the door.

Finally, I would remove the clamp and test the door to ensure that it opens and closes smoothly. If the door is not functioning properly, I would double-check that the springs are installed correctly and that the tension is adjusted properly.

In conclusion, based from Garage Door Repair Forney TX and as a homeowner, I feel confident in my ability to repair broken garage door springs by following the steps outlined above. However, if at any point I am unsure how to complete a step, I would consult the manufacturer’s instructions or a professional garage door repair service for guidance. By following these steps, I can get my garage door functioning properly again and avoid the inconvenience of a broken spring.

Garage Door Experts of Forney

533 N McGraw St #6, Forney, TX 75126
