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How To Reset Sensors On Garage Door – Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

Garage Door Repair Arlington TX are a seamless part of our daily lives, providing security and convenience. However, like any mechanical system, they can encounter issues, and when it comes to garage doors, sensor malfunctions are not uncommon.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the process of resetting sensors on a garage door, ensuring a smooth and effective solution to common problems.

Understanding Garage Door Sensors

Before diving into the reset process, it’s essential to understand the role of garage door sensors. These small yet vital devices are responsible for detecting obstacles in the door’s path, preventing accidents and damage. There are various types of sensors, including infrared and photoelectric, each serving the same fundamental purpose with slight variations in technology.

Common Issues with Garage Door Sensors

Despite their importance, sensors can face several issues. Misalignments, dirt accumulation, or even damage to the wiring can disrupt their functionality. Regular maintenance is crucial, but when issues arise, knowing how to reset the sensors becomes paramount.

Signs Your Garage Door Sensors Need Resetting

Recognizing when your garage door sensors need attention is the first step in effective troubleshooting. If you notice erratic door movements, delays in response, or flickering indicator lights, it’s a clear sign that a sensor reset may be necessary.

Preparation for Sensor Reset

Safety should always be the top priority when dealing with any garage door maintenance. Before starting the reset process, make sure to disconnect the power to the garage door opener. Gather the necessary tools, including a screwdriver and a soft cloth for cleaning.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resetting Garage Door Sensors

1. Locate the Reset Button

  • Most garage door openers have a reset button on the motor unit. Consult your owner’s manual to find its exact location.

2. Power Off the Opener

  • Disconnect the power to the garage door opener to ensure safety during the reset process.

3. Press and Hold the Reset Button

  • Press and hold the reset button for about 30 seconds. This action clears the memory of the opener.

4. Release the Reset Button

  • After holding the button, release it. The indicator lights on the motor unit should blink, indicating that the reset was successful.

5. Realignment of Sensors

  • Physically check the alignment of the sensors. They should be facing each other and have a clear line of sight. Adjust as necessary.

6. Clean the Sensors

  • Use a soft cloth to clean the sensors from any dirt or debris that might be causing interference.

Testing the Reset Sensors

After completing the reset process, it’s crucial to test the sensors to ensure they are functioning correctly.

1. Obstacle Test

  • Place an object in the path of the closing door. The door should stop and reverse immediately upon detecting the obstacle.

2. Indicator Lights

  • Check the indicator lights on the sensors. They should be solid, indicating proper alignment.

Troubleshooting Tips

If the reset doesn’t solve the issue, consider the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Check for loose wiring.
  • Ensure there are no obstructions blocking the sensor’s view.
  • Inspect for any physical damage to the sensors.

Regular Maintenance Practices

Prevention is key to avoiding frequent sensor issues. Implement these maintenance practices:

  • Regularly clean the sensors.
  • Check for any loose or damaged wiring.
  • Keep the sensor area free from obstructions.

DIY vs. Professional Help

While resetting sensors is a task many can handle on their own, some situations may require professional assistance. If the issue persists or if you’re unsure about the problem, don’t hesitate to call in an expert.

Advantages of Properly Functioning Sensors

Beyond the immediate fix, well-maintained sensors offer added advantages:

  • Enhanced safety for pets and family members.
  • Prevention of potential damage to vehicles or other belongings.
  • Increased lifespan of the garage door opener.

Upgrading Your Garage Door Sensors

Consider upgrading your sensors to modern technologies for added features such as smartphone integration, remote monitoring, and advanced security measures.


In conclusion, knowing how to reset sensors on a Garage Door Repair Arlington TX is a valuable skill for any homeowner. By following this step-by-step guide and implementing regular maintenance practices, you can ensure the smooth operation and longevity of your garage door system.

Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors


How Much Satchels For Garage Door – Lake Arlington Gates & Garage Doors

Breaking down the intricacies of satchel charges and their application in breaching Garage Door Repair Arlington TX within certain gaming contexts, particularly in titles like Rust, requires a thorough exploration of the mechanics, strategies, and considerations involved in such endeavors.

In the realm of virtual worlds like Rust, where survival and competition are key, raiding structures, including breaking through garage doors, is a common and strategic gameplay element. The use of satchel charges as explosive devices adds a layer of complexity to raiding, as their effectiveness is contingent on various factors.

The health of a garage door is a pivotal aspect that dictates the number of satchel charges required for successful breaching. Different garage doors within the game possess varying health values based on their material composition. Wooden garage doors, for instance, are generally less resilient compared to their sheet metal or armored counterparts. Consequently, raiders must adjust their approach based on the door’s material to optimize resource utilization.

Understanding the concept of splash damage is crucial in the effective use of satchel charges. Splash damage refers to the area affected by the explosion, and savvy players often leverage this to damage not only the targeted garage door but also adjacent structures. This strategic placement of satchel charges can lead to a more efficient raid by weakening multiple doors or compromising the overall integrity of the building.

Considering the strategic nature of raiding, players must meticulously calculate the number of satchel charges required for a successful breach. This involves factoring in the door’s health, the potential loot inside the base, and the overall risk associated with the raid. The cost of satchel charges, both in terms of in-game resources and the potential for player conflict during the raid, adds a layer of complexity to the decision-making process.

Timing is another critical element in raiding garage doors with satchel charges. Choosing the opportune moment to execute a raid can significantly impact its success. Factors such as the time of day, server population, and potential competition from other players all contribute to the dynamic nature of raiding strategies.

It’s essential to acknowledge that the landscape of virtual worlds, including Rust, is subject to constant change. Game updates, balancing adjustments, and shifts in community preferences can all influence raiding dynamics. Players who aim to master the art of breaching garage doors with satchel charges must stay informed about these changes and adapt their strategies accordingly.

In conclusion, the process of determining the number of satchel charges required for a Garage Door Repair Arlington TX in games like Rust is a multifaceted endeavor. It involves assessing the door’s material, understanding splash damage dynamics, calculating resource costs, and strategically timing the raid. Staying adaptable and informed is key for players navigating the ever-evolving challenges of virtual survival.

Lake Arlington Gates & Garage Doors

4101 W Green Oaks Blvd #305-318, Arlington, TX 76016, United States


What Is A Garage Door Opener Called – Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

Garage Doors Repair Arlington TX the unsung hero of suburban convenience, is a motorized device that magically transforms the manual labor of opening and closing a garage door into a simple push-button affair.

Picture this: You arrive home after a long day, your hands laden with groceries or your mind preoccupied with the day’s events. The last thing you want to do is engage in a physical tug-of-war with your garage door. Enter the garage door opener, a silent guardian that responds to your command with a gentle hum, lifting the heavy burden of manual operation off your shoulders.

This ingenious contraption consists of a motor housed in a discreet unit, strategically mounted near the garage ceiling. Connected to the garage door itself, either directly or through a system of pulleys and belts, the opener stands ready to leap into action at the push of a button—or the more modern tap on a smartphone app. The heart of the device is an electric motor, typically powered by electricity but sometimes augmented with a backup battery for those unexpected power outages. This motor serves as the powerhouse, generating the force necessary to lift the garage door with ease.

But wait, there’s more! A crucial component of the garage door opener is the remote control, a handheld device that empowers you to command the opener from the comfort of your car or even from inside your home. No need to brave the elements or engage in a sprint from your car to the garage; just a simple click, and the garage door obeys your command. Some advanced openers have embraced the wonders of wireless technology, allowing you to sync your opener with your smartphone. Imagine, controlling your garage door with a swipe of your finger—technology truly is a marvel!

Safety is a top priority in the world of garage door openers. Sensors are deployed as vigilant guardians, keeping a watchful eye on the space beneath the closing door. If an obstruction is detected—a child’s toy, a curious pet, or even an unsuspecting foot—the sensors spring into action, halting the descent of the door and preventing potential harm. It’s a reassuring feature that underscores the commitment to both convenience and safety.

Now, let’s talk power. Garage door openers are measured in horsepower, with options ranging from the modest 1/3 HP for lighter doors to the robust 1 HP for heavier, industrial-strength counterparts. The choice of horsepower depends on the size and weight of your garage door, ensuring that the opener is up to the task of effortlessly lifting and lowering the door.

In conclusion, a Garage Doors Repair Arlington TX is not just a mechanical marvel; it’s a time-saving, convenience-enhancing, and safety-focused device that has become an indispensable part of modern living. So, the next time you effortlessly open your garage with a mere press of a button, take a moment to appreciate the silent hero working behind the scenes—the garage door opener.

Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

817 – 646 – 2532

How To Put Garage Door Back On Chain – Lake Arlington Gates & Garage Doors

A Garage Door Repair Arlington TX plays a crucial role in the security and convenience of your home. When it comes off the chain drive opener, it can be frustrating and potentially dangerous.

However, reattaching a garage door to the chain drive opener is a task that you can complete with some patience and the right tools. In this guide, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions to help you get your garage door back on track.

Tools and Materials Needed

Before you begin, gather the following tools and materials:

  1. Ladder
  2. Wrenches (adjustable and socket set)
  3. Screwdriver (both flathead and Phillips)
  4. Pliers
  5. Safety glasses
  6. Lubricant (garage door spray lubricant)
  7. Helper (optional but recommended)

Safety Precautions

Safety should always be a top priority when working with garage doors and openers. Follow these precautions:

  1. Ensure that the garage door opener is unplugged or disconnected from power.
  2. Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes.
  3. Keep children and pets away from the work area.
  4. Use a sturdy ladder and ensure it’s placed on a level surface.
  5. If you’re not confident in your abilities, consider hiring a professional.

Step-by-Step Guide

Now, let’s get started on reattaching your garage door to the chain drive opener:

: Inspect the Situation

Before doing anything, take a close look at the garage door opener system to determine what caused the disconnection. Look for any broken or damaged components.

: Gather Information

If possible, identify the brand and model of your garage door opener. This information can be helpful for troubleshooting and finding specific instructions in your opener’s manual.

: Release the Emergency Release Cord

Locate the emergency release cord hanging from the garage door opener rail. This cord allows you to disconnect the door from the opener. Pull the cord down and away from the door to disengage the opener.

: Raise the Garage Door

With the emergency release cord disconnected, manually lift the garage door to the fully open position. Be cautious and use a ladder if necessary to reach the door.

: Inspect the Chain

Inspect the chain on both sides to ensure it’s properly threaded around the sprocket and idler pulley. The chain should be in good condition without any kinks or knots.

: Align the Trolley

At the front of the garage door opener rail, you’ll find the trolley. Make sure the trolley is properly aligned with the garage door attachment point.

: Reattach the Door Bracket

Using a socket wrench or adjustable wrench, reattach the door bracket to the top section of the garage door. Make sure it’s securely fastened, but don’t overtighten.

: Reconnect the Chain

Carefully guide the chain back onto the sprocket and idler pulley. You may need to use pliers to assist in threading the chain if it’s tight.

: Adjust the Chain Tension

Check the tension of the chain. There should be some slack but not so much that it sags excessively. Use the chain tension adjustment screws, if available, to make any necessary adjustments.

: Test the Opener

Plug in or reconnect the garage door opener to power. Test the opener by using the remote control or wall-mounted button. Ensure that the door opens and closes smoothly without any unusual sounds.

: Lubricate Moving Parts

Apply a garage door spray lubricant to the chain, sprocket, and any other moving parts. This helps reduce friction and prolong the life of your garage door opener.

: Secure the Emergency Release Cord

Re-engage the emergency release cord by pulling it toward the garage door until it clicks into place.

: Final Inspection

Perform a final visual inspection to ensure that everything is securely attached and functioning correctly. Listen for any unusual noises during operation.


Reattaching a Garage Door Repair Arlington TX to the chain drive opener is a manageable DIY task if you follow these steps carefully. However, if you encounter any difficulties or are unsure about any aspect of the process, it’s best to consult a professional garage door technician for assistance. Remember to perform regular maintenance on your garage door and opener to prevent future issues and ensure their longevity.

Lake Arlington Gates & Garage Doors

4101 W Green Oaks Blvd #305-318, Arlington, TX 76016, United States


What to Look for in a Garage Door Professional Service? – Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

As a homeowner, I’ve learned that a well-functioning garage door is not only a convenience but also a critical component of home security. When it comes to garage door maintenance, repairs, or upgrades, seeking the services of a professional is essential. However, finding the right garage door professional service can be a daunting task.

In this article, I’ll share what to look for in a garage door professional service, drawing from my own experiences and insights according to Garage Door Repair Arlington TX.

1. Reputation and Reviews

The journey begins with research. I started by looking for garage door professional services in my area and delving into their reputation and reviews. Reading the experiences of other homeowners can provide valuable insights into the quality of service a company offers.

My Experience: I found reputable garage door service providers by conducting online searches and checking review platforms. Paying attention to both positive and negative reviews helped me get a well-rounded view of each company’s performance.

2. Licensing and Certification

Ensuring that the garage door service provider is licensed and certified is paramount. This not only signifies their legitimacy but also assures you that they have met the necessary industry standards and regulations.

Expert Tip: Verify the licensing and certifications of the garage door service provider by checking their official website or contacting relevant authorities.

My Experience: I made it a point to ask each service provider about their licensing and certifications during initial inquiries. This step helped me filter out less reputable companies.

3. Experience and Expertise

Garage doors come in various styles, materials, and complexities. It’s crucial to choose a service provider with experience and expertise in handling the specific type of garage door you have. Experienced professionals are more likely to diagnose issues accurately and recommend suitable solutions.

Expert Tip: Ask the service provider about their experience with garage doors similar to yours, whether it’s sectional, roll-up, wooden, or steel.

My Experience: When speaking with potential service providers, I inquired about their experience with the type of garage door I had. I found that those with specialized expertise instilled greater confidence.

4. Range of Services

A comprehensive garage door professional service should offer a wide range of services, including repairs, maintenance, installations, and upgrades. This ensures that they can address all your garage door needs, from minor adjustments to major overhauls.

Expert Tip: Choose a service provider that offers a comprehensive range of services so that you don’t have to switch providers for different needs.

My Experience: I preferred service providers that could handle various tasks, from simple spring adjustments to complete garage door replacements. This saved me time and effort in coordinating different services.

5. Transparent Pricing

Transparent pricing is essential to avoid surprises when it comes to costs. Look for a service provider that provides clear and detailed estimates before starting any work. Ensure that there are no hidden fees or unexpected expenses.

Expert Tip: Request written estimates that outline the scope of work, parts, labor costs, and any potential additional charges.

My Experience: I made it a point to obtain written estimates from each service provider I considered. This allowed me to compare costs and avoid unexpected financial surprises.

6. Emergency Services

Garage door issues can arise at any time, often at inconvenient moments. A reliable garage door professional service should offer emergency services to address urgent repairs, especially when the security of your home is at risk.

Expert Tip: Inquire about the service provider’s response times for emergency calls and their availability during weekends and holidays.

My Experience: Knowing that a service provider offered emergency services gave me peace of mind, especially during instances when my garage door malfunctioned unexpectedly.

7. Warranty and Guarantees

A reputable service provider should stand by their work with warranties and guarantees. These ensure that if issues arise shortly after the service or repair, you can have them addressed without additional costs.

Expert Tip: Read and understand the terms and conditions of the warranties and guarantees offered by the service provider. Ask about the duration and coverage.

My Experience: I felt more confident in my choice when a service provider offered a warranty on their work. It showed their commitment to customer satisfaction and the quality of their service.

8. References and Portfolio

Ask the service provider for references or examples of their previous work. A portfolio of completed projects can give you a sense of their capabilities and the quality of their craftsmanship.

Expert Tip: Contact the references provided and ask about their experiences with the service provider. Did they deliver on promises, and were they satisfied with the results?

My Experience: I requested references and reviewed portfolios to get a better sense of each service provider’s track record. Hearing positive feedback from past clients was reassuring.

9. Customer Service

Excellent customer service is a critical aspect of a garage door professional service. It’s important to choose a company that is responsive, communicative, and attentive to your needs.

Expert Tip: Pay attention to how the service provider handles your initial inquiries and requests. Prompt responses and clear communication are positive indicators.

My Experience: I preferred service providers who were attentive to my inquiries, addressed my concerns, and were willing to explain the process in a way I could understand.

10. Local Presence

Opting for a garage door professional service with a local presence can be advantageous. Local companies are often more accessible, can respond quickly to emergencies, and have a better understanding of regional needs and conditions.

Expert Tip: Consider the convenience of a local service provider, especially when you require urgent assistance or ongoing maintenance.

My Experience: Choosing a local service provider allowed me to build a more personal and trusting relationship. It also made scheduling appointments and follow-up visits more convenient.


Overall, as stated in Garage Door Repair Arlington TX, selecting the right garage door professional service requires careful consideration of various factors, from reputation and expertise to transparent pricing and customer service. Drawing from my own experiences, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of thorough research and due diligence in making this crucial decision. By applying these tips and seeking out the qualities mentioned, you can ensure that the service provider you choose not only meets but exceeds your expectations, leading to a more secure, efficient, and functional garage door system for your home.

Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

700 Secretary Dr, Arlington, TX 76015, United States


How To Reset A Craftsman Garage Door Opener – Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

Resetting a Craftsman Garage Door Repair Alington TX is a straightforward process that involves reprogramming the remote control and keypad, as well as adjusting the limits and force settings.

Follow these steps carefully to reset your Craftsman garage door opener:

1. Gather Your Tools and Materials:

  • Ladder
  • Craftsman garage door opener manual (if available)
  • Remote control(s) and keypad

2. Disconnect Power:

  • Unplug the garage door opener from the electrical outlet or turn off the circuit breaker that supplies power to it. Safety should always come first.

3. Locate the “Learn” Button:

  • Look for the “Learn” button on the garage door opener unit. This button is usually located on the back or side of the motor unit. Consult your manual if you can’t find it.

4. Clear Memory:

  • Press and hold the “Learn” button for about 10-15 seconds until the indicator light next to the button turns off. This will erase all previously programmed codes from the opener’s memory.

5. Reprogram the Remote Control(s):

  • Press and release the “Learn” button once.
  • Within 30 seconds, press the button on your remote control that you want to program. Hold the remote close to the opener.

6. Test the Remote Control:

  • Press the programmed remote button to ensure the garage door operates as expected.

7. Reprogram the Keypad (if applicable):

  • If you have a keypad, enter the new PIN code you want to use.
  • Press the “Learn” button on the garage door opener unit.
  • Enter the PIN code on the keypad and press the “Enter” or “Send” button.

8. Test the Keypad:

  • Enter the newly programmed PIN code on the keypad and test if the garage door opens and closes properly.

9. Adjust Limit Settings (if needed):

  • If your garage door doesn’t close or open fully, adjust the limit settings on the opener. Consult your Craftsman manual for specific instructions on adjusting the limits.

10. Adjust Force Settings (if needed): – Adjust the force settings on the opener if the door is closing too hard or not reversing when it encounters an obstruction. Again, consult your manual for guidance.

11. Reconnect Power: – Plug the garage door opener back into the electrical outlet or turn the circuit breaker back on.

12. Test the Garage Door: – Test the garage door by opening and closing it using the remote control and keypad. Make sure it operates smoothly and without any issues.

13. Safety Reversal Test: – Place an object, like a block of wood, in the path of the closing door to test the safety reversal feature. The door should immediately reverse when it encounters the obstruction.

14. Lubrication and Maintenance: – As part of your reset process, consider lubricating the moving parts of the garage door to ensure smooth operation. Regular maintenance will help prolong the life of your opener.

15. Keep the Manual: – Keep your Craftsman garage door opener manual for future reference, as it contains valuable information on troubleshooting and maintenance.

By following these steps, you can successfully reset your Craftsman Garage Door Repair Alington TX and enjoy trouble-free operation. If you encounter any issues or the problems persist, consult your manual or consider seeking professional help. Safety is paramount when dealing with garage doors, so exercise caution throughout the process.

Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

700 Secretary Dr, Arlington, TX 76015, United States


Does Car Insurance Cover Hitting Garage Door – Lake Arlington Gates & Garage Doors

Car insurance coverage for hitting a Lake Arlington Gates & Garage Doors can depend on several factors, including the type of coverage you have, the circumstances of the incident, and the specific terms of your policy.

Car insurance typically consists of different types of coverage, and whether hitting a garage door is covered depends on the type of coverage you carry:

  1. Collision Coverage: This type of coverage typically pays for damage to your vehicle resulting from collisions with other vehicles or objects, including garage doors. If you have collision coverage, it may cover the damage to your vehicle caused by hitting your garage door. However, you’ll likely need to pay your deductible before the insurance kicks in.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive coverage covers damage to your vehicle caused by non-collision events such as theft, vandalism, and weather-related damage. If your garage door was damaged due to a weather event, falling debris, or vandalism, comprehensive coverage might come into play.
  3. Property Damage Liability: If you accidentally hit someone else’s garage door while driving, your property damage liability coverage may help cover the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged door. This coverage is designed to pay for damage you cause to other people’s property.
  4. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: If you have this type of coverage and someone else damages your car by hitting your garage door, and they don’t have insurance or enough insurance to cover the damages, your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage might help cover the costs.
  5. Personal Liability: If you are liable for causing damage to someone else’s property, including their garage door, your car insurance’s personal liability coverage may come into play. This coverage is designed to cover the costs you’re legally obligated to pay for damaging someone else’s property.
  6. Exclusions and Limits: It’s important to carefully review your insurance policy to understand any exclusions, limits, or special conditions related to garage door damage. Some policies might have specific terms regarding damage to structures on your own property.

It’s worth noting that insurance coverage can vary significantly based on your policy, your insurance company, and your location. Here are a few steps to take if you’ve hit a garage door and are considering filing a claim:

  1. Assess the Damage: First, assess the damage to both your vehicle and the garage door. Take photos of the scene and document the extent of the damage.
  2. Review Your Policy: Read your car insurance policy to understand which types of coverage you have and under what circumstances they apply. Pay attention to deductibles, coverage limits, and any exclusions.
  3. Contact Your Insurance Company: If you decide to file a claim, contact your insurance company as soon as possible. They will guide you through the claims process, explain the coverage available, and provide instructions on what to do next.
  4. Provide Information: When filing a claim, you’ll likely need to provide details about the incident, including where and when it happened, the cause of the damage, and any relevant photos or documentation.
  5. Deductible: Keep in mind that if you have a deductible, you’ll need to pay that amount out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in.
  6. Claim Approval: If your claim is approved, your insurance company will guide you through the repair or replacement process for both your vehicle and the garage door.
  7. Resolution: The insurance company will work with you to settle the claim, whether that involves reimbursing you for the cost of repairs or paying the garage owner for the damages.

Remember that each insurance policy is unique, and the information provided here is a general overview. It’s important to review your specific policy documents, consult with your insurance agent or representative, and ask any questions you might have about coverage and the claims process. Additionally, taking steps to prevent accidents, such as being cautious while driving near structures and keeping your Lake Arlington Gates & Garage Doors area clear, can help you avoid such incidents in the future.

Lake Arlington Gates & Garage Doors

4101 W Green Oaks Blvd #305-318, Arlington, TX 76016, United States


How To Hang Christmas Lights Around Garage Door – Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

Hanging Christmas lights around your Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors can add festive cheer and create a warm holiday ambiance. Whether you’re using traditional string lights, LED lights, or other decorative elements.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to hang Christmas lights around your garage door:

1. Gather Your Supplies:

  • Christmas lights (string lights, LED lights, icicle lights, etc.)
  • Extension cords
  • Outdoor-safe clips or hooks
  • Zip ties or twist ties
  • Ladder or step stool
  • Timer or smart plug (optional)
  • Outdoor extension cord (if needed)

2. Plan Your Design:

  • Decide on the style and pattern you want for your lights. Consider outlining the garage door frame, creating a waterfall effect with icicle lights, or draping lights in a swag pattern.

3. Measure and Calculate:

  • Measure the perimeter of your garage door and the desired length of lights. This will help you determine how many lights you need and whether you need multiple strings.

4. Choose the Right Lights:

  • Select Christmas lights that are designed for outdoor use and are appropriate for the size of your garage door.

5. Safety Precautions:

  • Safety is paramount. Use a sturdy ladder or step stool and have someone assist you if needed. Make sure the lights and extension cords you’re using are rated for outdoor use and are in good condition.

6. Attach Outdoor-Safe Clips or Hooks:

  • Attach outdoor-safe clips or hooks to the garage door frame or siding where you want to hang the lights. These clips will hold the lights securely and prevent them from falling.

7. Hang the Lights:

  • Start at one corner of the garage door frame. If you’re using string lights, begin by attaching the end of the string to the first clip or hook. Carefully guide the lights along the frame, securing them in place with clips or hooks as you go.
  • For icicle lights, drape the top part of the lights along the top of the garage door frame, allowing the icicles to hang down.
  • If you’re draping lights in a swag pattern, use zip ties or twist ties to secure the lights at regular intervals along the garage door frame.

8. Secure the Extension Cord:

  • Plug the lights into an outdoor extension cord, and then plug the extension cord into an outdoor outlet. Ensure that the extension cord is properly rated for outdoor use.
  • If you’re using multiple strings of lights, connect them together before plugging them into the extension cord.

9. Test the Lights:

  • Before securing the lights completely, test them to make sure they’re working properly.

10. Adjust and Secure:

  • Step back and take a look at your work. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the lights are evenly spaced and hanging as desired.
  • Once you’re satisfied with the placement, secure any loose sections of lights with additional clips or hooks.

11. Set a Timer or Use a Smart Plug:

  • To save energy and prevent your lights from staying on all night, consider using a timer or a smart plug. These devices can automatically turn your lights on and off at specified times.

12. Take Down After the Holidays:

  • When the holiday season is over, carefully remove the lights by detaching them from the clips or hooks. Store the lights in a dry and cool place for next year.

13. Consider Other Decorations:

  • Enhance the festive look by adding other decorations, such as wreaths, bows, or garlands, around the garage door area.


Hanging Christmas lights around your Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors can be a joyful and creative holiday activity. By planning your design, ensuring safety, and using the right materials, you can create a dazzling display that adds warmth and holiday spirit to your home. Just remember to take your time, test the lights, and enjoy the process of brightening up your garage door area for the festive season.

Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

700 Secretary Dr, Arlington, TX 76015, United States


Garage Door Warranty: Understanding Coverage and Benefits – Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

As a homeowner who takes pride in maintaining the functionality and aesthetic appeal of my property, I’ve come to appreciate the true value of a garage door warranty. It’s not just a piece of paper; it’s a safeguard that provides me with peace of mind and financial security.

I’ll share my insights into the significance of a garage door warranty, shedding light on its coverage, benefits, and how it empowers homeowners like me to make informed decisions as stated from Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors.

1. Foundation of Reassurance

When I chose my garage door, I wasn’t just selecting a functional entryway; I was making an investment in the security and convenience of my home. A garage door warranty is the foundation of reassurance that ensures my investment is protected. It’s a promise from the manufacturer or installer that they stand behind their product and are committed to addressing any unforeseen issues that may arise.

Knowing that I have a warranty in place is incredibly reassuring. It means that if my garage door develops a defect or malfunctions within the specified period, I won’t be left to deal with the consequences on my own.

2. Types of Warranties

Understanding the different types of garage door warranties has been crucial in navigating the market and making an informed choice. Generally, there are two main types of warranties that I’ve encountered:

a. Manufacturer’s Warranty: This type of warranty is provided by the company that manufactured the garage door. It covers defects in materials and workmanship. The coverage duration varies, with some warranties extending for a few years and others providing longer-term protection.

b. Installation Warranty: Some garage door companies also offer an installation warranty. This covers the labor and workmanship involved in installing the garage door. It ensures that the door is installed correctly and adds an extra layer of confidence.

3. Comprehensive Coverage

One of the most valuable aspects of a garage door warranty is its coverage. A comprehensive warranty typically includes protection against a range of issues, including:

a. Defective Components: This covers any components or parts that are found to be defective due to poor materials or workmanship.

b. Mechanical Malfunctions: If my garage door experiences mechanical issues during normal use, such as problems with the opener or motor, a warranty would cover the necessary repairs.

c. Rust and Corrosion: Many warranties offer protection against rust and corrosion, which can compromise the durability of the garage door.

d. Paint and Finish: The warranty may also cover issues related to paint peeling, chipping, or fading, ensuring that the door maintains its appearance.

4. Exclusions and Limitations

While a garage door warranty offers valuable coverage, it’s essential to be aware of its limitations and exclusions. Common exclusions might include:

a. Normal Wear and Tear: The natural aging of certain components due to regular use may not be covered.

b. Neglect or Misuse: Damage caused by neglect, improper maintenance, or misuse may not fall under warranty coverage.

c. Unauthorized Repairs: Attempting to repair or modify the garage door without approval from the manufacturer or installer may void the warranty.

d. Acts of Nature: Damage resulting from severe weather conditions, accidents, or other acts of nature may not be covered.

Understanding these exclusions helps me set realistic expectations and take proper care of my garage door to ensure its longevity.

5. Leveraging the Benefits

To make the most of my garage door warranty, I’ve adopted a proactive approach:

a. Reading the Fine Print: Carefully reading and understanding the warranty terms is essential. It ensures that I know what’s covered, the duration of coverage, and any specific requirements.

b. Regular Maintenance: Adhering to the recommended maintenance schedule ensures that my garage door remains in optimal condition and helps prevent potential issues.

c. Professional Installation: Opting for professional installation by a reputable installer not only ensures proper setup but may also come with an installation warranty.

d. Timely Reporting: If I notice any covered issues, I promptly report them to the manufacturer or installer. Addressing problems early prevents them from escalating.

e. Documenting Everything: Keeping records of maintenance, repairs, and communication related to the garage door can be valuable if a warranty claim needs to be filed.

Conclusion: A Safety Net for Homeownership

In my journey as a homeowner, I’ve realized that a garage door warranty is more than just a piece of paper—it’s a safety net that offers protection and reassurance. It’s an investment in the longevity, functionality, and appearance of my garage door.

Overall, based from Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors, understanding the coverage, benefits, and limitations of a garage door warranty empowers me to make informed decisions when choosing a garage door and taking proactive steps to ensure its proper maintenance. With a warranty in place, I can enjoy the convenience, security, and curb appeal my garage door brings to my home, knowing that I have a reliable safety net to fall back on if unexpected issues arise.

Arlington Overhead & Garage Doors

700 Secretary Dr, Arlington, TX 76015, United States


How do You Program a Clicker Garage Door Remote-Garage Door Experts of North Arlington

Programming a Clicker Garage Door Repair Arlington TX remote typically involves a few simple steps.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to program a Clicker garage door remote:

  1. Prepare the Garage Door Opener:
    • Before programming the remote, make sure that the garage door opener is compatible with the Clicker remote. Check the Clicker remote’s user manual or consult the manufacturer’s website for compatibility information.
    • Ensure that the garage door opener is in proper working condition and that the batteries in the opener are fresh.
  2. Locate the Learn Button:
    • Look for the “Learn” or “Program” button on the garage door opener unit. This button is usually located near the antenna wire, the motor unit, or the back panel of the opener.
    • The Learn button can be a colored square, round, or oval-shaped button. It may also have a small LED next to it.
  3. Clear Existing Codes (if necessary):
    • If you are programming a new remote or if the existing codes need to be cleared, press and hold the Learn button until the indicator light on the opener turns off. This action erases all previously programmed remotes and keypads.
  4. Enter Programming Mode:
    • Press and release the Learn button on the garage door opener. The indicator light should turn on, indicating that the opener is in programming mode and ready to learn a new remote.
  5. Program the Clicker Remote:
    • Press and release the desired button on the Clicker remote that you want to program. The indicator light on the remote should flash or remain lit for a few seconds.
    • Approach the garage door opener and press the same button on the Clicker remote once again. The opener’s indicator light should flash or change its behavior to confirm successful programming.
    • Some garage door openers may require pressing the button on the remote multiple times or using different button combinations. Refer to the Clicker remote’s user manual or the garage door opener’s instruction manual for specific instructions.
  6. Test the Remote:
    • Stand clear of the garage door and test the newly programmed Clicker remote. Press the programmed button on the remote to operate the garage door. The door should open or close accordingly.
    • If the garage door doesn’t respond, try reprogramming the remote by repeating steps 4 and 5. Ensure that you follow the correct sequence and timing while pressing the buttons.
  7. Program Additional Buttons (if applicable):
    • Some Clicker remotes have multiple buttons that can be programmed to operate different garage doors or functions. To program additional buttons, repeat steps 4-6 for each button you want to program.
  8. Exit Programming Mode:
    • After programming all desired buttons, press the Learn button on the garage door opener once to exit the programming mode. The indicator light on the opener should turn off, indicating that it is no longer in programming mode.

Remember that these steps are general guidelines and may vary depending on the specific model of your Clicker Garage Door Repair Arlington TX remote and the garage door opener you have. Always consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for detailed instructions tailored to your specific devices.

Garage Door Experts of North Arlington

711 Trinity Cir, Arlington, TX 76006, United States


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