Garage Door Repair Madison MS are essential components that bear the weight of your garage door, facilitating its smooth opening and closing.

Over time, these springs may wear out or break, necessitating replacement. Understanding the factors that contribute to the cost of garage door spring replacement is crucial to budgeting for this common maintenance task.

Factors Influencing the Cost:

  1. Type of Spring:
    • Garage doors typically use either torsion springs or extension springs. Torsion springs are mounted horizontally above the door, while extension springs are positioned on both sides. Torsion spring replacement tends to be pricier due to their design and complexity.
  2. Size and Weight of the Door:
    • The size and weight of your garage door impact the type and size of springs needed. Larger and heavier doors require stronger springs, contributing to higher replacement costs.
  3. Professional Installation:
    • Garage door spring replacement involves working with high tension, and DIY attempts can be dangerous. Hiring a professional ensures proper sizing, adjustment, and safety during installation.
  4. Local Labor Costs:
    • Labor costs vary by location. Regions with higher living costs generally have higher labor rates for garage door services.
  5. Additional Parts:
    • The replacement cost may include additional parts such as cables, pulleys, or safety cables. The condition of existing hardware determines whether additional components are necessary.

Average Price Ranges:

  1. Torsion Springs:
    • Replacement of a single torsion spring typically ranges from $150 to $300. If both springs need replacement (recommended for balance), the cost may be between $200 and $400.
  2. Extension Springs:
    • Replacing a single extension spring usually costs between $80 and $150. For a pair of extension springs, the range may be $100 to $200.
  3. Professional Labor Costs:
    • Labor costs for professional installation vary but generally fall between $50 and $100 per hour. The total labor time depends on the complexity of the job.
  4. Additional Parts:
    • Safety cables, pulleys, or other components may incur additional costs. Safety cables, for example, can add $10 to $30 per cable.

Considerations and Tips:

  1. Safety First:
    • Garage door spring replacement involves working with high tension, posing potential risks. Prioritize safety by hiring a professional technician with experience in spring replacement.
  2. Both Springs Replacement:
    • If one spring fails, consider replacing both springs even if the other seems functional. This ensures balanced tension and extends the overall lifespan of the springs.
  3. Quality of Springs:
    • Investing in high-quality springs can pay off in the long run. While the initial cost might be higher, durable springs provide better performance and reduce the likelihood of premature failure.
  4. Regular Maintenance:
    • Conduct regular maintenance on your garage door, including lubricating moving parts and inspecting springs for signs of wear. This preventive approach can extend the lifespan of the springs.
  5. Obtain Multiple Quotes:
    • To ensure a fair and competitive price, obtain quotes from multiple garage door professionals. Consider the reputation and experience of the service providers in your decision-making process.


The cost to replace a Garage Door Repair Madison MS is influenced by factors such as the type of spring, the size and weight of the door, labor costs, and additional parts. While average price ranges offer a general idea, it’s crucial to consult with professional technicians for accurate quotes tailored to your specific situation. Prioritize safety by hiring experienced professionals for the replacement and consider investing in high-quality springs for long-term reliability. Regular maintenance and prompt addressal of issues contribute to the smooth functioning of your garage door while helping you avoid unexpected expenses.

A 24 Hour Door Service

417 Post Oak Cove, Madison, MS 39110, United States
