Proper maintenance is crucial to keep your air conditioning system running efficiently and avoid costly AC repairs. However, many homeowners unknowingly make common mistakes that can lead to reduced performance and premature system failure. This article will highlight the top 5 AC maintenance mistakes to avoid. Understanding and rectifying these errors ensures your AC system operates smoothly, extends its lifespan, and saves you from unnecessary expenses.

ac repair

AC Mistakes to Avoid

1. Neglecting Regular Filter Changes

One of the most common AC maintenance mistakes is needing to change the air filters regularly. The air filters capture dust, dirt, and other contaminants, ensuring clean and healthy indoor air quality. Over time, these filters become clogged, restricting airflow and forcing the AC system to work harder, leading to increased energy consumption and reduced cooling efficiency. 

Furthermore, dirty filters can cause strain on the system’s components, potentially resulting in expensive AC repairs. To avoid such issues, it’s recommended to replace or clean your AC filters every one to three months, depending on usage and filter type.

2. Skipping Professional Inspections and Tune-ups

Another mistake homeowners often make is missing professional AC inspections and tune-ups. While it may seem unnecessary if your system is running fine, regular maintenance performed by HVAC professionals is essential for detecting potential issues early on. During these inspections, technicians can identify worn-out parts, refrigerant leaks, electrical problems, and other issues that can lead to major AC repairs if left unattended. 

Additionally, professionals can optimize your system’s performance, improving its efficiency and prolonging its lifespan. Schedule an annual maintenance service, preferably before the summer season, to ensure your AC system is in top shape.

3. Allowing Outdoor Unit Blockages

The outdoor unit of your AC system requires adequate airflow to function efficiently. Unfortunately, many homeowners make the mistake of allowing obstructions around the outdoor unit, such as plants, debris, or structures.

These obstructions restrict airflow, hinder heat dissipation, and force the system to work harder. Over time, this can cause overheating and potentially damage the compressor, a costly component to repair or replace. To avoid such issues, regularly clear any debris, trim vegetation around the unit, and keep a minimum clearance of two feet on all sides for proper airflow.

4. Improper Thermostat Usage

Misusing or mishandling the thermostat can significantly impact your AC system’s performance and efficiency. Many homeowners set their thermostats at extreme temperatures, such as excessively low settings in summer or high settings in winter, to cool or heat their homes faster.

However, this practice strains the AC system and consumes unnecessary energy. Additionally, constantly adjusting the thermostat can cause frequent cycling, test the system and potentially lead to premature wear and tear. It’s recommended to set the thermostat at a comfortable yet energy-efficient temperature and avoid drastic temperature changes.

5. DIY Refrigerant Handling

Handling refrigerant is a task that should be left to trained professionals. Yet, some homeowners attempt to recharge or handle refrigerant themselves, which can have severe consequences. Refrigerant leaks can occur due to improper handling, reducing cooling capacity and potentially damaging the compressor. 

Furthermore, refrigerants contain harmful chemicals that can pose health risks if improperly handled. If you suspect a refrigerant leak or inadequate cooling, it’s crucial to contact a licensed HVAC technician to inspect and resolve the issue. They have the necessary knowledge, tools, and experience to safely and accurately handle refrigerants, ensuring your AC system’s proper functioning.


Avoiding these top 5 AC maintenance mistakes can significantly improve your air conditioning system’s performance, efficiency, and lifespan. By regularly changing filters, scheduling professional inspections, keeping the outdoor unit unobstructed, using the thermostat properly, and leaving refrigerant handling to experts, you can prevent costly AC repairs and enjoy cool comfort throughout the year. Prioritize proper maintenance, and your AC system will reward you with reliable and efficient cooling for years.

Abundant Air Inc.

2815 W Euless Blvd, Euless, TX, United States, Texas

817-285-8000 / 972-671-8000